She asked Luis Guzman to say the KidzVuz tagline. She approved of the job he did!
Yesterday I took The Girl to NYC for an opportunity of a lifetime. She was there as a representative of KidzVuz, the incredible online site for tweens to create safe video reviews for one another. She loves KidzVuz as a place to express herself and I love it as a place I know she’s safe online.
Yesterday, she loved KV even more because they sent her to the Red Carpet Premier of the new movie Turbo. She got to hang out with reporters from People and ABC television and try her hand at wrangling stars on the carpet. Not too shabby.
I was pretty impressed at first glance with the star-studded affair, but my sites quickly set on her and what an incredible job she was doing. I am hard on The Girl, often too hard. I don’t know why. It’s a compulsion and I sometimes blame my mother because I can hear her voice coming out of my mouth when I nitpick and nag. It’s tough, when you look at your kid and see you share the same flaws, all you want to do is correct her before they are too ingrained to change. I want her to be better than me and when I see some things are the same, I want to fix them which means I often miss out on just how great she mostly is. Anyway, this summer I made a vow to myself that I would do more to champion her instead of just pointing out all that she needed to improve.
Yesterday, she made that job pretty easy. She has no fear and other than being a little tongue-tied around Ryan Reynolds (who can blame her?) she handled each and every interview with grace and the ease of a professional. She was so incredible she had two news outlets interview HER after the carpet stuff was over. They just kept repeating how amazing she was and for once, I did nothing but agree. None of the stars on the carpet yesterday could compete with the one that rode the train there with me. What a star she is, just for being herself.
The Girl really is pretty amazing. And how WONDERful that I get to spend my time in her orbit?
If you want to see some red carpet hightlights-check out my youtube channel. Scroll down to parenting and there are a few that I caught on camera. I’m sure the KidzVuz people will have much better cuts later in the week but here is some rough stuff for now.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
That is so awesome!!!!!
It was pretty cool-for both of us!