Photo by Aline Viana Prado on Pexels.com
There is Power in Connection
Reinvention Family offers just that.
A Mom for All Seasons Group
Even when we can’t gather in-person, we can still build community. A Mom For All Seasons is open twice a year. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, alone, frustrated or all of the above, you need us and we need you. If you’re looking for support, guidance and an unshakeable village of moms, join us here.
As a member you get
- Weekly email offering concrete tips and tools
- Group Coaching Call every other week with Cristie
- Live video class weekly offering a fresh perspective on parenting
- “Me Time Spotlight Sessions” which is an opportunity for you to submit your unique questions to be addressed by Cristie in the live class format.
- All the courses Reinvention Family offers are included
- Access to an incredible and supportive community of moms that can provide more than you’d ever imagined.
In this group you’ll get answers to your unique parenting questions. We’ll dive into taking care of our own selves as a way to feel better about our parenting. Members get tools to bring more peace to their home. Every member of this group will receive the attention and guidance needed to make real changes in their family-changes that help everyone.
Mostly, in A Mom for All Seasons, you’ll have a safe place to vent, bounce ideas and bask in the camaraderie of fellow moms in the trenches.
A Mom for All Seasons is a more than just group parent-coaching.
It is a community that welcomes everyone and supports us all. It’s a safe place to call home.
Interested? The group is launching at end of October for support through the school year. Sign up now to get the guidance and support you came for!