I have plenty to say about the ease with which this man with seemingly documented mental instability walked right in and bought a glock. I have plenty to say about glocks even being at a local sports store. But I also have pretty firm opinions on the Right to Bear Arms and the laws and enforcement of those laws around gun control, so I have to weigh my words.
I have plenty to say about angry language, lack of personal responsibility for that language and the consequences that are inevitably related to al of it. But I am also still feeling angry, so I must wait. Speaking in anger never leads to anything good.
I have nothing to say about Christina Taylor Green because my heart is so broken for her parents and brother that there are literally no words.
Words have power. Great power. For that reason I will choose mine wisely and maybe not use them at all in this case.
I will continue to write about mixers and menus and parenting three.
That does not mean Tucson is not weighing on my heart. It simply means I am weighing my words, so that I do not cause further damage with them.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Nicole says
Every time I see Christina's picture the tears come pouring out. My faith in so much has been shaken. There are so many questions and no matter the answers, it will never be good enough. Thank you for keeping it light the last few days. I needed that.
One Sided Momma says
i am in 100% compliance. after this horrendous act took place i wanted to scream from the rooftops and tried but nothing sounded right in my throat. it still doesn't. thanks for saying what i'm feeling too. there has to be a way for goodness to win. every.time.
Aunt Julie says
Very well said, without saying too much.