Here is what I’m NOT talking about today: Michelle Obama’s Shorts. Her shorts? Really? C’mon. She’s young and has young kids and was hiking and wore shorts. Get over it.
Here is what I’m talking about, my kids’ quirks.
Picture this: The other day Faith is telling a very elaborate story (complete with countless details and infinite arm gestures) about something she saw on Animal Planet. Mid-story, I find myself feeling the desire to hurry her up and get to the point already. Then, like a revelation, I think; oh my gosh she is exactly like her father.
Her father has what he likes to call, “an engaging narrative” style. Here’s what I like to call it:long winded. I won’t go into the details (he would) but let’s just say we differ in our storytelling and apparently his daughter is just like him. It was unsettling because she is exactly like me in so many ways. I found it jarring to see her dad staring back at me.
This got me thinking about the little personalities that show themselves more every day. I won’t bore you with too many details (no offense F and K) but I will share a few of my favorite quirks.
Faith has fantastic temper tantrums that happen internally. I can hear her arguing with herself about “changing her attitude” frequently. The other day, after huffing and puffing on our front porch for a bit, she stomped past me in the living room and yelled at herself, “get yourself together girl.” The best part? After about 2 minutes in her bedroom she came back down all smiles and said, “I’m ready for the day mom.” I wish I had that self-discipline. I guess that’s from her dad too.
The Middle One: Asks please twice; as in, “mom can I please have some cookies please?” Adorable.
T.M.O also has a song for everything. The latest is: “A special note, a special note, a special note for youuuuuu” After singing, he hands you a note that says something like, “I l y mom, LD.” This note means: I love you mom, Love Danny. As a former writing teacher, this thrills me.
The Baby: Where do you begin with the quirks of a two year old? My favorite is that he eats every kind of cereal we have in the house, in one bowl. His breakfast every day consists of no less than three cereals together. Expensive-but cute.
The other quirky Baby thing is that he frequently says, “Can I kiss you?”. Then he kisses you and says, “I kissed you, okay?’. Ugh. Killer.
The other quirky Baby thing is that he frequently says, “Can I kiss you?”. Then he kisses you and says, “I kissed you, okay?’. Ugh. Killer.
It is a constant adventure at The Circus and the emerging personalities of each of the Three Rings are most surely the best part of the show.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
"I ly 2, CRK. L ECPS."
I do miss those kids! Too cute!