The MV has some air conditioner issues of late so we’ve had our windows down a lot. Know what that means? Mama gets to play her music loud. Some songs are just made for wind in your face driving. Here are a few oldies but goodies that make me roll down the windows even when it’s mid-winter.
The Cure, Just Like Heaven: I’m pretty sure I had this on tape in my first car. Makes me feel seventeen.
Pearl Jam, State of Love and Trust: Love ’em all but this one in particular makes me want to open window sing. In case you’re wondering, yes, he still does it for me. I don’t care if he’s old and kinda looks homeless.
Melissa Etheridge, Like I Do: Took me a bit to understand why she was singing about “she”. When I understood, I realized we’re not so different at all. Cheatin’s cheatin my friend.
Dave Matthews Band, Tripping Billies: It’s probably because the birth of DMB and my best college days are one and the same but their early songs, especially when I hear them in spring and fall, just make me as happy as I was on that Sigma Chi lawn when “The band from Myrtle Beach” came to play Derby Days.
Paul Simon, Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard: Just try to keep your windows up when you hear this one. Also, Big Daddy Kane and Biz Markie!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
we so could have been best friends in high school!!