Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of carpool and preschool beach concerts and the endless to do list of groceries and homework and laundry, it is easy to forget that this is actually a wonderfully satisfying job. Here’s to the little moments, easy to miss, that make it so.
- When The Baby grabs my face with both hand to plant a smooch right on my lips and say, “mom I just love you.”
- The feel of a five year old’s hand in mine. Mine rarely slows down enough these days to just walk and hold my hand, so when he does it’s like touching pure gold
- When The Girl thinks no one is watching and she puts on a show anyway-dancing and twirling and singing her heart out just for her own satisfaction
- The pureness of children asleep after an honest day of outdoor play
- The calm that comes over when another mom looks at you and says, “yes, I totally get it.”
- When they all get along, there is no greater friendship
- Family dinner on a weeknight-complete with dad and all
- When you’re shocked by the level of their kindness or intelligence or humour or all of it at once.
- Preschool teachers who light up when your kids walk in a room
- Raucous, noisy, dirty boy playdates
- Raucous, noisy, only-slightly-less-dirty girl playdates
- The spring breeze through an open window
- The smell of kids’ skin after a day of sandcastles and wave jumping
- Soul Cleansing laughter
- A full heart at the end of every exhausting day
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Could not have said better myself! Thanks for that post!:-)