I have a confession to make: I love being tan. I know, I know-it could kill me. Don’t worry, I am a diligent SPF mom. My kids are slathered in waterproof 30 before they even walk out the door and then multiple times during the day. They also wear more bathing suit coverage than most other kids on the beach. So, I have not passed on my dangerous addiction to them. That is what it is-an addiction. Why? Because, like smokers I know how terrible it is for me and yet I can’t stop.
Now, I won’t do fake-beds or even sprays. In the off season I have been known to employ some golden-delicious lotions, just not the spray stalls. Too scary. But the second Memorial Day hits-look out. I wake that second morning and relish in the tight-hot skin feel of the first summer burn. I look down at the white lines and think, “how did I lose 10 pounds overnight?” I feel thinner, sexier, younger. And you know what? I have given up sugar in most forms. I limit my caffeine. I only drink on weekends or holidays. I work out every single week day now pretty regularly. I take good care of myself. But I just can’t let go of my tan!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
I agree too! I am hardcore with the sunscreen (although with all the reports out now I've been doing more damage than good with my Aveeno sunscreen) but I refuse to put it on before Memorial Day Weekend. I know that is awful, but I don't care. Now that "summer" is here I will lube up everytime I go sit in the sun. Love the sun, love the tan!!
I'm the same way! My excuse its this, many MDS say we need more vitamin D and the best way to get it is from the sun! So there you have it! Bring on the Sun!:-)