Photo Meridian Momtourage
There is a woman at the new job who is a pretty cool chick. She interviewed me, and wanted me for the role mostly because of my experience with social media. She told me all her grandkids were using it so much that it was clear to her that is how kids today communicate, and she was thrilled I could, “speak their language”.
Now, I’m not sure all that is true, but I so appreciated her willingness to not just accept social media, but embrace it as a way to connect with her teenage grandkids. See what I mean? Cool.
I’ve seen her around since then and she’s always got a smile on her face and the best clothes on. I know you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, but I was raised by someone who abandoned tailored suits and heels to eventually give in to elastic waists and sweat-shirt cardigans, so I can’t help but admire and aspire to women of a certain age who look like they should be in the pages of a “wear it at any age” glossy fashion mag piece.
As I am staring down the barrel of 40 and looking back on a few years of yoga pant chic, I’m realizing I have a way I want to age and it does not involve elastic waist pants.
I want to embrace the changes in pop culture to connect with my grand kids. I want to keep reading Vogue until I die. My pants rise may heighten and my heels shrink as the years go on, but I hope my attitude stays young and current and ready to meet the modern world.
I need to step it up in the health and fitness realm if I’m going to be the cool old chick who gets it. The reason I spent so many years in yoga pants is because I just didn’t feel good about myself. Something tells me the older ladies dressed so well don’t have those same problems. I not only want to embrace the changes of the world, I want to embrace me. And that starts with taking care of myself-inside and out. I’ve gotten away from that lately and now it’s time for that to stop.
There is a lady at the new job who is a cool chick.
I’m trying to grow old just as she has.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
What a beautiful, heartfelt and vulnerable post that I think speaks to SO many of us! Thank you for sharing. You’re looking like quite the classy lady in your photo… Yes to loving ourselves deeply and taking care of ourselves so we can age with grace. Thanks, Cristie!
Thank you. The picture is helped by a wonderful photographer.;)
Cristie…..i feel ya. love, love, love your thoughts, attitude and your blogs.
Thank you!
I totally get it. After losing 42 pounds I had to iron today for the first time in years, because the clothes I’m wearing these days wrinkle. Sweat pants don’t wrinkle!
Not a problem that is too tough to have! You’re such an inspiration you incredible shrinking woman!