Today is 7 years since my mother died. Seven years is a lot. But I don’t have any energy to write glowing stories of her. Nor do I have the passion to write about how we’re soldiering on in her absence. No letters to her about her grandkids or impassioned pleas to hug the one you love.
I’m done with that today. Cancer Fuc*** sucks. It took my mom. It took my dad. It took a beautiful young man I once knew long, long before his time. A few months ago it took the life of a remarkable, vibrant woman and devoted mom who had so much to give the world and as of this post it’s wreaking havoc in the life of another person I love.
Why does it ravage the good ones? Why does it rob us of so much light?
Cancer sucks. I’m over it.
That’s all there is to say today.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
i hear you. one of my closest friends lost both her parents to cancer too hence this 16-week campaign i am part of. travis lost one of his best friends when marley was just a baby. i’ve lost uncles. it is devastating. and yes, not much more to say than what you just said…hugs to you.