MasterCard, a sponsor of this year’s NYC Pride Parade, asked a few bloggers to go and document the parade through our own eyes (or lenses as the case may be). The Husband and I decided what better way to celebrate our marriage than to celebrate the right for everyone to marry (federally, at least) and since the parade fell just a few days after the Supreme Court’s Ruling that killed DOMA, we figured the sentiment of marriage would be even more front and center than usual. The timing was perfect.
We did a little research on the history of NYC’s parade and waded in with excitement and a teensy bit of apprehension. In all the years I’ve seen news coverage of Pride Parades in NYC and beyond, my impression was that they are racy at best and dangerous at worst. We expected lots of skin and maybe a protest or five.
As it turns out, we were surprised at how, well, regular the parade seemed. Of course there were plenty of colorful participants and more than one live parrot, but there were also corporate floats and all the politicians you could stomach. There were Police marching in the parade, not just working it. There were unions and hospitals and schools announcing their pride. And with the exception of one small group with some hateful words on posters, there wasn’t anyone within blocks protesting anything.
MasterCard’s excellent slogan/play on words, #AcceptanceMatters, proved to be the understood theme for everyone on 5th Avenue that day.

Grand Marshall Harry Belafonte

Police-Guarding ALL the Colors.

The Mayor Began The Parade of Politicians.

The Mayor Was Followed By A Senator.

Then Followed By A Governor.

Red Bank’s Own Brought Up the Rear.

There Were History Makers.

And Beneficiaries of History

The Woman They All Love.

And the Ones Who Started It All

My Favorite Sign

My Favorite TShirt
MasterCard’s overall participation and their commitment to the idea that all people matter made me rethink the plastic in my wallet that day. I’m trying more and more to put my money where my heart is. As much as I wish good intentions were enough, I’ve accepted that money is a powerful force for change and if I can put mine into companies that back what I believe in, I will always choose to do that. MasterCard’s participation in this year’s parade and their whole slogan of #acceptancematters has added an extra reason to want to use my MC more than any other card. Of course, their perks are fantastic, but also knowing that the corporation backs something I believe in adds weight to their brand, in my eyes. I’ll proudly flash my MC plastic now, and not just because of their cute commercials.

MasterCard-You Got It Just Right. #AcceptanceMatters
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
That parade looks amazing! Acceptance DOES matter! So glad you could cover this event, and LOVE the fact that MasterCard gets involved! Kudos to them!
Once again: Every time I think, My cousins could not BE more awesome, I am proven wrong.
That’s the nicest thing!! Thank you.