Today for taking back Thanksgiving, I was going to write that I am thankful for my Girl. You know, the oldest and only. While I am quite thankful for her as she is truly a delight, I realized many of the reasons I am thankful for her are the same reasons I am thankful for all the girls in my life. So, this one’s for the girls.
I am thankful for the Mean Girls. They taught me how to be tough-and graceful all at the same time. The Mean Girls also taught me how to be careful, not of myself, but of others because it is very easy to become a Mean Girl if you are not careful what you say and how you be. If it weren’t for the mean girls who said I had ugly hair and called me snob, I might not be as confident in who I am no matter my hair, or as aware of the way I treat other people. When people call you names you must reflect on yourself to ensure those people aren’t right. I know I worked on myself as a direct result of the names. I know I am a kinder, more aware person now because of the girls who called me otherwise. Also, now I have great hair.
I am thankful for the Mommy girls and Bloggy Girls who are often one and the same. How empowering to know there are women out there who share all your hopes, fears and insecurities and never judge a moment. Sure, there are still Mean Girl mommies, but they are few and very easy to ignore-when you are surrounded by secure, happy women who can slug a glass of wine at girls’ night out, or mainline coffee with you during a playdate– listening and sharing without criticism. They share tips. They share trials. They share their cheerios and diapers and never ask for anything in return. Mommy Girls make my life possible. Without them, both my children and I would suffer.
I am thankful for Family Girls. I am surrounded by Family Girls: sisters, aunts, cousins,
SILs, cousins, CILs-you name it, there are hoardes of ’em in both my families-married and blood. Family Girls always pick up the phone. Family Girls listen to you complain about the husband without ever taking sides. And later-when you’ve forgotten and can only wax romantic about his perfection-they don’t remind you that you once were crazy and threatened to run him over with your bike. Family Girls fill you. They shop with you. They laugh at memories of when you were ten. They know you deeper than any other girls and still show up when you ask. Family Girls are the roots you give your children. Family Girls give you courage to fly because you know they will always be there when you come back down to earth.
Finally, I am thankful for Baby Girls. I only have one and I am thankful for that too. I am thankful for Baby Girls because they are charming and funny. BGs allow you to buy clothes you wish you could wear and they always look cute-no matter how bloated you may be. Baby Girls are good companions because the are smart and savvy and a joy to bring around other people. I am thankful for just one Baby Girl because I can openly admit she is the greatest gift without hurting any other girl’s feelings. My Girl is my pal. She is my partner in crime; my ally in this house full of testosterone. We share eye-rolls and secret giggles when the boys are being…well, boys. My Girl is gentle and sweet. My Baby Girl is an old soul who reminds me of her Grandma because of her big, big heart. My Girl is brave and sunny and easy to be around. I am so thankful for my Girl because she makes every day just a little brighter simply because she wakes up and is mine.
To the Girls who are reading and the Girls who never will-each of you have touched me and continue to gift me in ways you may never know. Today I am thankful for The Girls.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
i still think about the mean girls sometimes. grr.
You go Martina!!! Love it!!
Great post! You and Martina McBride say it best! "This One's For The Girls" (If you don't know the song I highly recommend downloading it!)
Awesome post!
This is a fabulous post! I'm going to do my own "I'm Thankful for" post on T-Giving! Hope all is well!