Oh, hey. You’re still here. I commend your loyalty to Reinvention Girl as she has been completely MIA for months undergoing many reinventions and renovations. I wrote this lovely post about my children then got totally swept up in their lives and mine so much that I didn’t write another word for nearly 12 weeks!
We’ve packed a lot in to that time and honestly my head was spinning so much I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with this blog, but I knew I couldn’t handle writing anything at the time so I just rambled on Facebook, shared instagram pictures and called it a day. I’ve got some posts in mind though, so I’m back to share all I’ve got.
First, we went to Disney and Universal Studios and I learned some things that many might like to know about how you can actually be laid back (meaning not planned to last second) about an Orlando trip and still enjoy everything the parks have to offer. Now the kids are all enmeshed in their school’s performance of the Lion King, so we just can’t seem to let the magic of the Mouse go.
Second, I’ve entered into my final (30 hour a week) field placement for grad school and I’m working with both children in outpatient mental health and adults in a much more intense program and I am learning like 100 things a day, mostly about the indomitable nature of the human spirit and the importance of hope. I’ve written so many blog posts on my commute from that job that if I’d had time to actually type them this blog would be prolific. I’ll try to get a least a couple in print for real.
Third, we’re embarking on some big renovations around our little bunker of a house and man is there a lot to write about there! Some fixes were emergencies and some we are going into eyes wide opens. We’ve had leaks, big and small but always at the worst times. We’ve replaced appliances in emergencies and now we’re actually planning our own demo project which the Middle One would like to include explosives (not happening) and I just want to pass permitting sometime this year! Perhaps the biggest reason to write about all of this is to avoid imploding from holding all the minute details you are forced to hold in your brain when changing things in your home. And of course there is the added layer of my own neurosis that says as soon as we hunker down to make permanent changes to somewhere, our lives will be thrown into upheaval as that has been our history. Needless to say, I’m happy to also currently be in Yoga Teacher Training so that I can consistently be reminded to breathe.
Finally, I started a cabi business. I know, I know, I appear to make questionable decisions or at least good decisions at questionable times. I mean, home reno, more work hours, yoga training, children in three different directions; what better time to start a new business venture? Seriously though, it actually makes perfect sense to me.

See? Such cute clothes, right?
Cabi is this incredible line of clothing that gets shared through home based trunk shows where women gather and basically play dress up with friends. What could be more fun? I’m looking at this business as my opportunity to lighten up after days spent in very heavy work. It’s not just one more thing at the end of a long day, but rather a time to relax and enjoy the peace that comes from fun and fashion after a day full of quite the opposite. I’ve been a cabi fan for a long time. Now I’m just sharing it with others.
So, there you have it: my excuse(s) for being absent from here for a while. The good news is there is a lot to share going forward, so I’m happy to be back on the blogging horse. Thanks for sticking around and I promise plenty of reinvention to come.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.