Run for Good
A million years ago, my brother and I completed the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington, DC. He went on to run other marathon and road races. I went on to have babies, gain weight and become an expert at listing reasons why I would never run another marathon again.
During those years I was excuse-making, other people were not only running, but they were running to raise money for myriad great causes. I was drawn to this idea of running FOR something, but with the exception of one little 5k, I never actually did anything about it.
Then, a few months ago I got an email about being part of something called the Children’s Miracle Marathon. The Miracle Marathon is a 27-day virtual fundraising campaign in which participants run/walk (or achieve forward motion of any kind!) one mile per day.
The first 26 days are completed at your own pace—wherever and whenever you want. On Day 27, the final 1.2 miles will be started as a group at 2:27 pm EST. Get it? It’s a marathon, plus a mile, for the kids! So I can run to raise money, and not have to complete a marathon all in one day. It is a win win right?
I’m thrilled because not only is this a fantastic idea, but I get to be a lead blogger for this fall’s Miracle Marathon specifically in support of Children’s Specialized Hospital that takes care of over 22,000 children a year all across the state of New Jersey. They have in-patient, outpatient and long term care for all of the kids in our great state. Children’s Specialized Hospital is an incredible place and I’m honored to be running on their behalf. Our team goal is $2720 (get it?) to start and I would love to blow it out of the water because when a donation is given it stays in the community, helping our local kids. What could be better?
You can be part of Team ReinventionJerseyGirl by visiting our page and making a donation for all the miles I’ll run to help the kids. Or you can set up your own team for kids in your area and then hit the pavement. If you register as a runner, you can use the code MiracleCristie for a ten percent discount on your registration. Running starts September 16th so plenty of time for stretching! Either way, watch here and across my social media channels in the coming weeks for updates on our goal and incredible stories of the kids who are the reason for this running in the first place.
See you on the streets, or the beach-one mile at a time!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.