Our old house was small. It was a starter home. The problem was it wasn’t sold to us at a starter home price. It was pretty and we loved it, but we had grander dreams.
For fun, The Girl and I used to describe our next house. We both pictured we’d be in the small house for many years and then, when I finally broke through my business and we got on top of things, we’d move to our dream house.
I never pictured we’d leave that house before we could move where we truly wanted. I tried to explain to Her when we were moving all the things the new house wouldn’t have that I had once ensured her our “next” house would. There would be no pool. There would be no large front porch. There would be no garden.
She was fine. She always is. I explained that as long as we were all together it didn’t really matter what the house looked like. Of course, she agreed. She is far wiser than I.
A few days ago She came running into the house.
“Mom”, she said. “Guess what we got at our new house?”
I’m thinking, we’ve been here weeks, what haven’t I noticed?
“You got what you always wanted at our next house. You got a Hydrangea bush.”
Hmm… What do you know? I sure did.
And a beautiful hydrangea it is turning out to be.
She is far wiser than I.
If only she knew; I have had what I’ve always wanted at my next house, since the day she was born.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
i love this post.
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Don't know what you mean by large, but you got the front porch also:)