The Wii has taken over our household. The Baby wakes up every morning and instead of breakfast he asks if he can play Wii. He and his brother, The Middle One, love boxing. In fact, he’ll tell people (anywhere, walking through the grocery, at the bank) that, “we have Wii and boxing is punching people in the face, but not in real life you can’t hit people, only on Wii boxing.”
It’s hilarious.
Also he thinks they’re real people. When we play another game and someone shows up in the crowd, he’ll yell, “Danny there’s Ryan you boxed Ryan remember?”
The best was yesterday as I sat menu planning at the dining room table I could hear him chatter throughout his boxing match. This is what I heard:
“I’m just punching guys in the face.”
” Watch out Ryan (see, Ryan’s back) ’cause I’m gonna give you a knuckle sandwich.”
“You’re going down Minchu. D. O. W. N spells down.”
My little toddler tough guy.
The best part about Wii boxing is that you can use it as a health simile.
Last night The Middle One went to be in agony with a cold sore. Sadly, I have a vast knowledge of cold sores. I had them as a baby and now anytime I am about to get sick,or am overly stressed, my mouth first gets covered in cold sores (pretty, huh?) and if my immune system is in good shape then I never get anything else. They are like a warning sign to rest, eat right and maybe do a little deep breathing.
So, last night as I put The Middle One down, I explained about the cold sore being a sign that his immune system was working to fight something off. He immediately compared it to Wii boxing. He explained to me that his immune system “warriors” were fighting boxer Ryan (poor Ryan) in order to keep Ryan from making him sicker. To help with the boxing match, I told him he needed a good night’s sleep to keep his warriors in top shape. Sure enough, he was out like a light instantly. And this morning? Well, he triumphantly stood at the top of the stairs, arms raised and yelled, “Mom, it’s a victory. While I slept, my body warriors got a knock out and I’m all better.”
I guess the warriors punched Ryan right in the face. Maybe even in real life. SSHH don’t tell.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
i forgot to tell you that "I'm just punching guys in the face!" is my favorite line of the decade. crowd pleaser!!!
They are too cute!! I want to play Wii – I trip to Red Bank may be in order:)