Why am I always surprised when my children do exactly what their personalities would predict they’ll do?
First day back to school started with me having to draaaaaagggg all three kids out of bed.
I was so proud when the night before I premixed homemade waffles so I could give them a yummy breakfast on their first morning back in reality. I was even up early so that I was ready before they were. Yes, I should do this every day but admittedly I’ve rolled out of bed seconds before them lately so we’re all frantic together. Not Day One though. Day One, I was up and dressed and had waffles cooking before I even entered a bedroom for bugle call. The Girl and The Baby grouchily complied but The Middle One, not so much.
First, he just refused to move. Then, he fought and cried and refused to go to school. It was not pretty. I cajoled. I sweet talked. I joked. I sympathized. Finally, my claws came out and he got up only upon threat of his DSi being returned to Santa. When he came downstairs, dressed but with killer bed-head (not picking that battle today) he refused to eat. Then, he must have snuck a few cheerios in because he quickly left grouchy land and entered wired-town which meant it took forever to get him into a coat and gloves and hat and snow boots (did I mention the FREAKING SNOW around here?!?!) and finally loaded into the car as he was literally running laps around my living room.
Luckily, it seemed we weren’t the only ones with trouble readjusting as we came skidding up to the school doors late, we were greeted by other sleepy-eyed students and their frazzled parents.
I thought the worst was over so I decided (because apparently I smoked crack on the mythical Day One) that I would take them all to the YMCA after school to sign them up for kid memberships with our friends.
I’m sure you can see where this is going. Yep, The Middle One had a total come-apart over whether he should pick the lanyard or the pedometer as his new member gift.
I mean, what the heck is wrong with me? No matter how old a kid is and no matter how early or late school ends, He does not outgrow the need to:
immediately after school. When I interrupt those two things, even with something seemingly fun, I should know what I’m going to get.
So there was some screeching and some tears. He got himself together without disturbing too many patrons and finally settled on a lanyard for his new Y Member card that he wields with the pride of a teenager showing off his driver’s license.
He came home and immediately took off for the bathroom. While running up the stairs he yelled, “Can I have a snack?”
Of course he did.
He ended his day dancing with me in the kitchen to Paul Simon’s GracelandGraceland
(he likes “the zydeco”), throwing his head back and laughing like this was the greatest day of his life.
Why am I always surprised when my children do exactly what their personalities would predict they’ll do?
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Routines are comforting to many. Routines bring us normalacy and a sense that everything is not spinning out of control … at any age. I didnt know that fifty one years ago and no one taught me about it. I didnt know that twenty two years ago and couldnt teach others. Start a week or so in advance and expalin whats comming and that things will be fine. Remind him daily before the change comes. And for days after the change show him how the change in routine wasnt all that bad. Then let me know if it works. I might need it for a grandchild some day
we had ccd after school – (day one plus evening one!) i had everything ready to go when they got off the bus at 4pm, it was still the worst 15 minutes of my life so far.
So there is something wrong with that reaction to the first day back after vacation? Well than I'm glad no one was in my house yesterday morning to see my grouchy self try to get back into the swing of things:) Love the expression on his face in the second picture:) And here's to a better second day back.