This weekend my sister and nephew (not her son) visited. My nephew is a twin, so we rarely get one on one time with him. Early in the month his brother joined us on vacation. So now we have had solo-time with each one and it has been wonderful.
We had rigorous political debates at dinner. We talked about books. He left me with over 1000 new songs on my iPod and downloaded a few Apps on my phone that I never would have figured out on my own. I love having a smart, tech savvy nephew to come save me from my old age.
The best part was watching him with my kids. He patiently let them pretend text on his phone and listen to the same Jack Johnson song on his iPod over and over again all weekend. He wrestled and took endless spins in the desk chair. Thankfully, he was also quite gracious when The Middle One broke his earphones (ugh!).
I worried when I had kids that their cousins were so much older than they would be. They only have three and their ages are 21 and (almost) 15. My oldest is six.
As it happens, that was a needless worry. Because what my kids have in their older cousins are more role models. My kids get to see that you can be smart, creative, athletic, kind and polite all while staying pretty darn cool.
And I get the latest technology to keep me young.
Score one for the Band O’ Kings!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Ok, so when do I get some blog props?? Just kidding. Had a great time, but now I'm off to work on my ipod worthiness:)