It is often difficult this summer to find things that all three kids like. Infrequently are a six year old and a two year old amused by the same activities. I used to rely on “water play” most days. (Look, I used cloth diapers I am allowed to run my hose now and again people!)
We have no water play in our yard because our rental house has crazy plumbing and when we tried to run our hose the water meter spun around so quickly, we estimate would cost approximately $7,423 a minute. So-no hose.
We have been hearing rumours of a place called a spray ground in Colts Neck and I finally decided to venture there yesterday.
After a few, “do we have enough gas?” questions (that’s an entirely different post!) we were on our way. We traveled only a few miles from our house, but those miles were down roads flanked by horse farms and chicken coops which was definitely part of the adventure.
In short-it was fantastic. For kids-more sprinklers, hoses, water tables and dumping buckets than you can shake a stick at. For mom-it was fenced and all three were happy. Oh and did I mention it is entirely free? Amazing.
My advice is bring a change of clothes because there is also a HUGE dry park next door and a great set of walking/biking trails. Also, you can’t eat in the sprayground so you’ll need a blanket to picnic under the trees. (And serious commitment to stave off a persistent two year old in search of snacks.)

The best part-recycled water so no environmental guilt.
If you’re in Jersey-get ye to Dorbrook Sprayground.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
There is also a small water park on the Asbury Park beach with a HUGE watering can! It might be worth it to check it out.
I want to go to Spray Park:) And I can't wait for the "do we have enough gas" post:)
lol! let me know when you do your "do we have enough gas?" post. we can post on the same day! 🙂