So. This happened.
The Middle One brought home a book for reading homework that was a beloved baby book. I was all ready to share a moment with him around this lovely memory from his infancy and toddlerhood. I settled in to the kitchen chair just in time for The Baby to race by me on his way out to ride bikes.
“Wait!” The Middle One yelled.
“Remember, I’m going to read you the ABC book? Don’t go out yet.”
Wait, what? They made plans? Huh?
The Baby (who is clearly no longer a baby) answered, “Oh, yeah. Let me sit down. Love this one.”
Wait, what? The Baby “loves this one”? He doesn’t even like to read!!
“Yeah, I knew you’d love it. I loved it when Mrs. S read it to me too.”
Wait, what? Mrs. S? I read that damn bouncing BBB book for YEARS of my life. Every. Single. Night. And now he credits their preschool teacher with introducing it to them!
Psshhh. Mrs. S. my big, fat, toe.
I was all ready to get mad and remind him of our special book time when I noticed The Baby grabbed an apple and curled right up on the bench with his big brother and listened to him read.
This is the kind of moment that makes the rest of it all worthwhile. These two boys, who sometimes make me crazy, in a moment like this, can fill my heart with so much love that it nearly bursts. I get to watch them snuggle up and read together-totally uninhibited. No one is worried the other one being too close. No one is worried about if it’s lame to read a baby book. No one is worried about if it’s dorky to read to your little brother.
They’re just sharing a moment and loving eachother.
At first it felt like it was all without me. Then I realized it is the very thing that makes me. These two boys loving their time together is what I can take into my heart when I worry about my parenting. If I have taught them, even a little, to enjoy their siblings’ company then I am doing something right.
And man, are they just right.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
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