UGH!!! That’s how I feel today. The day started with the commercial for our HGTV show and it’s literally all different shots of me looking like I’m going to throw up. Vain as that may sound, it’s not that I care what I look like, it’s just that the commercial is a stark reminder of the crap we had to go through to attempt to sell that house. The show was great. The rest-stunk.
I loved that house. I mean LOVED. And now, I hate it.
What the show shouldn’t have is a neat tied in a bow ending. Oh, they may edit it that way because, in fairness to them, we did leave Maryland with renters that appeared out of nowhere to save the day. And, from the commercial at least, the folks at Edelman are MASTER editors.
The problem is as soon as the cameras stopped rolling and the tenants moved in (yes, those two things happened back to back) there has been one problem after another. Not with the tenants. God bless them they are hanging in there like champions. No, the problems are with the house. My house. My beautiful, lovely home of a house has turned into the money pit.
We’ve replaced siding. We’ve repaired a dryer. We’ve had a leaky fridge. We’ve replaced (YES-REPLACED!) the central air. And tonight, as the happy emails from friends come in about our TV debut, we are in the midst of solving a “mysterious water leak” issue. Let’s keep in mind we’ve only been out of that house for 3 months. We spent over three years there and had nothing larger than a clogged toilet and now…
I often view life situations as learning experiences. As in, “what am I supposed to be taking away from this joy/sorrow/challenge etc?” Right now, I don’t care what I’m supposed to be learning. I just want it to stop. I want to spend my days exploring my new town, not calling various service providers to fix stuff that isn’t even here. I want to spend my nights working or hanging out with my husband-not studying our finances to figure out where to get the money to pay these service providers. Mostly, I don’t want to be a landlord-especially of the money pit.
I don’t usually use this blog to vent, but I have no friends to call because I have spent the last three months inside my house on the phone with plumbers and HVAC guys. I don’t think they look too kindly on personal calls at night. I promise I’ll be over it tomorrow-back to the silly mama that I usually am. After all, some people have real problems. Far be it from me to whine about my second house.
But for tonight I play the Debbie Downer Music-waah waah and channel my inner Charlie Brown to just say UGH!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Oh Man! Waah – waah
I am sorry. If it helps, we too have a mystery leak, which 2 months ago I thought was coming from the upstairs bathroom, but now that room is off limits and the leak reappeared on Friday. SOOOO tomorrow we have someone coming to find the mystery leak before it rots out the walls and ceilings and quote us on remodeling the off limits bathroom. I can't imagine dealing with this long distance.
Hang in there Debbie Downer. You can call me anytime.