You are my sensitive soul. You look big and strong but you feel every little scorn and slight with intensity and take on everyone’s pain. I worry about you in the big wide world.
Yesterday you acted out and your nervousness showed all over your attitude. It was time to meet your schoolmates at a picnic and clearly you were worried too. You cried a bit. You asked to go home. Then you spotted them-the big boys on the basketball court. You wiped your eyes with your dirty little arm. You set your chin and marched forward-all by yourself.
I watched from the sidelines as you inserted yourself in their game and politely yet with great determination asked if you could join. They smiled at each other over your head. They all but winked when they handed you the ball.
Then you dribbled between your legs.
The winking stopped.
The fist pounding started.
They pulled you in and cheered you on.
Just like everyone you meet, they were taken with you.
You have a big strong body and a gentle soul. I worry about you in this big, wide world.
Yesterday you showed me I’m silly to worry.
For you are going to be just fine.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
he is going to be just fine because he has a mommy who is silly to worry 😉
and? i may have cried just a little reading this post. as in going to get my second tissue. ahck, those boys!
thats so GREAT!!! awesome pic too 🙂
Pretty picture on your post.
That brought tears to my eyes!!!
Such a sweet little man!! Good luck with all the the first day of school things.
Such a sweet boy and sweet post!!