This is the first time I have had a toddler and not had a new baby to take care of. I have to say it is delightful. He says things every day that make me laugh or warm my heart. He has temper tantrums that involve actually kicking and screaming-and I find it charming. He is fun-personified. No wonder The Babies of the world are so…well, babied.
***There were no cats harmed for this post. He was caught before he used the Bob the Builder pliers on the cat. When he was caught he said, “oh, maybe I could just pet ‘im and kiss ‘im?” Then he noticed my camera and gave me a big “CHEEEEEEEESE”. See-Flippin Adorable.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
i don't usually say as well that much. i must be tired as well.
our baby has awesome fits as well. lots of loud screaming. we used to find it charming as well. now we just give her whatever she wants. fast.
Love that kid. Just seeing his "cheezze" face makes me smile.