Just takin’ care of bidness. |
Baby you’re a big kid now. That’s a line from a Broadway song but man is it fitting around here these days. My Baby isn’t a baby anymore. Instead you are my pal. It’s just you and me kid. For 8 hours every day we are partners in crime.
I consider this a huge gift, this time with you. After all, sometimes that last kid gets lost in the shuffle-or should I say shuttle-of all the family goings on. So for five days a week I get to know you and boy is it ever entertaining. You are your own man. Yes, there are glimpses of the influence of both sister and brother, but overall You shine through.
Your sense of humour is uncanny. What three year old has proper comedic timing besides you? I can tell you’ll be the one to joke me out of the group punishment when you and your siblings miss curfew someday.
You know everything about computers and video games and you aren’t afraid to share your knowledge with everyone-including random passerby.Luckily, so far they all find it as endearing as I.
You know the lyrics to most songs on the radio and sadly, you and I have argued over the merits of certain songs of late. The other kids love music too, but you don’t just settle for what I recommend. No, you question my choices and point me toward songs you deem more worthy. You have decided you’ll match my music obsessions and so far I’m alright with that. I can almost picture you having pity on your old mom and taking me to hear some college band over parents’ weekend long after you stop thinking I’m cool. A girl can dream right?.
You read. Yes, read. I have been afraid to admit it up to this point, out of either some strange parental modesty or just because I didn’t believe my own eyes. But when you stand over your big brother’s shoulder and help him with his homework, I can no longer deny what is in front of me. You are scary smart and it’s cute now but I will be truthful and say it scares me a little too. You will outsmart me some day, of that I am sure. I just hope it’s innocent fun and not danger when you do.
You are unapologetically you. You cut your hair and show no remorse because now “you look like Bong” and really wasn’t that the point? You change your clothes three times and when I seem angry you wonder why I’m not more proud that you did it all yourself. Wasn’t I just asking you to put on your own pants a few weeks ago? Don’t I remember anything? Geez. You would eat cereal from the same bottomless bowl all day if we let you. When we make you stop, you seem genuinely confused by our logic. I mean, who doesn’t need a break from cereal to play? And who doesn’t help themselves to food whenever they are hungry? Weird.
Yes, you kept your father and I awake for almost 18 straight months. Yes, you sometimes stomp around and grumble like a third world dictator. Yes, you are downright mean every morning before your belly is full. But it seems all that is worth it because you are sweet when you grab my face with two hands to plant a smooch on. You are gentle when you ask, “can we snuggle and have a chat?”. You are hilarious when you “have a joke fa me”. You are talented and smart and just an all around a great guy to pal around with 8 hours a day.
I am thankful for you and thankful that I waded through those sleepless nights to get here because it was worth every tired second for the fun you bring to my life.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
How sweet! Great post and so glad we connected again!
Even though I'm not really good with the written word, I will comment so you know I'm still reading the blog:) Just seeing his face instatnly cheers me up – similiar to what cereal does for him in the morning:) Love & miss him and his mom.