Dearest Girl,
Today, as I am every day, I am thankful for you. Last week we switched your school. That makes three schools in three years. We did not take this lightly, I want you to know that. In the end, we felt the change was a good decision for your future, but no one can deny it is a big transition and it happened very quickly. Mid-week you had to jump in to a whole new routine, new teachers, new classes, new friends, new uniform all on a Wednesday. A lot of kids would have trouble with that. Most people would expect them to.
Not you. You dove right in with the enthusiasm and courage that you have carried with you from the start. You have made new friends. You have even made time to keep in touch with the old and you have done it all with a grace that has become synonymous with you.
The people at your new school think you are amazing. The friends at your old school miss you like crazy. Both groups are very smart. You are amazing and the energy, compassion and joy that you bring into friendships should be missed.
I would say I am surprised, but the truth is I am not anymore. You have shown me time and again that you can handle just about anything life throws your way. You have an indomitable spirit and you refuse to do anything short of celebrating each day. There is a reason people want to be around you. You somehow manage to exude confidence and poise while remaining humble and polite. It is a balance most adults have not mastered and yet for you it seems to come as natural as the air you breathe.
I am proud to be your mother. I am proud to watch you leave your hand prints on the world. I am proud knowing that all whom you touch are better off because of it.
We had a rocky start, you and I did. But now I can safely say I love you more every day. From your slow smile when I wake you in the morning to your sweet kisses at night, you grow deeper and deeper in my heart. I am so lucky you are mine. I am so lucky I have a front row seat to the amazing story of your life. Because oh what a life it will be.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
She's a lot like her mom. Love you both (and the men in your family).