It’s no surprise to anyone who knows me to hear me say I’m easily Star Struck. Ask my sister, who nearly had to resuscitate me after hyperventilating over the Governor of Texas in an airport. (No, not THAT one.) I can’t imagine if I ever met Corey Booker in real life. I might actually pass out.
I like to think of myself as a well spoken, pretty together woman, most of the time. But no matter how old or jaded experienced I get, put me in front of anyone I think is famous- bloggers, politicians, authors etc. (Heck, they don’t even need to be famous to anyone else!)- and I turn into a bumbling, paper-bag needing imbecile. In addition to personally freaking out, I want everyone else to share in my celebecstasy. I remember one time in college walking past Susan Sarandon in an airport and wanting so badly to grab everyone around me and shout, “Did you see who that was? It was Susan Freakin’ Sarandon! What’s wrong with you people? Be excited!”
You can imagine then, my racing heart last night when I literally (and I’m using that word correctly here) walked right past Bruce Springsteen on my way home from dinner with The Girl. The whole night was bizarre because we were out on a school night, just the two of us, which never happens. The Husband worked from home so I took her to her softball game alone because the boys have been tortured spectators twice a week for a few weeks now and they needed a break.
Funnily enough, The Girl had been asking about The Boss on our way to the game because he’s been on the radio a bit more lately with the new album so he’s on her radar now. Since his stock is up, she suddenly interested in recounting the times this summer we spotted him at the beach. She didn’t care enough then to pay attention then, but now that she hears him on the same station as One Direction and Taylor Swift, he’s kind of a big deal.
So as we walked down the street toward our car after stuffing ourselves full of smoothies and vegan cupcakes (There was dinner too but who can remember what came before pineapple/coconut smoothie and cupcakes?) I see a man limping (yes, limping) down Broad Street carrying a bag and wearing jeans and red plaid flannel that look suspiciously like The Girl’s new favorite artist.
“Look, see that guy?” I said.
To which she responded by wildly spinning around and saying in her not-inside-voice, “who, which guy?”
Yikes. We’re inches away from him at this point so through my clenched teeth I say, “Ssshh, I think that might be the guy we were talking about in the car.”
Now, he’s upon us and I confirm that it is in fact that undeniable Jaw Line.
He crossed the street so I was able to explain to her what I think we just saw and she spins wildly around to be all, “WHAT! WHERE?!?”
As we got in our car, I googled to confirm that it was in fact him. I mean it was almost too easy in jeans and a flannel-how cliche Bruce. Because he’s playing close by the next night and he walked right into the music store, I’m certain we’ve just spotted our first celebrity together.
The Girl asked me, “why wasn’t everyone swarming him?”
I explained that people like to let him be normal here so they try not to swarm so that he’ll keep coming into town. (What I may have really been thinking was that probably no one recognized the old man limping down the street. This tour might just be kicking his butt at 60 something.) The truth is though, I think she’s on to something. I know everyone here wants our resident celebs to feel normal and I get that. But please, if one more person acts like it’s no big deal to spot The Jo(h)ns or Bruce out and about, I might just kick them in their lying shins. Everyone around here’s all “oh, I see Bruce at the gym or John getting coffee all the time, whatever, I don’t care because I’m sooo cool.”
Please, people no one is so cool that they’re not a little giddy over seeing this man just hanging out in your coffee shop! It’s freakin’ cool, I don’t care how long you’ve lived here, or how used to it you are, these are big stars and you’re impressed by them. Just admit it. I’m fine with pretending to ignore them in person. That’s part of what makes this area so great and allows people like that to have a life here. But, ‘fess up when you’re with friends. It’s pretty damn awesome.
When My Girl got in the car and said she had a hard time not being super excited and that her heart was even racing a little bit, I knew I’d found my star-struck partner. Here’s hoping we run into more famous people together someday because she’s just cool enough to giggle with me.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
I’m right there with you. I fawned over meeting Secretary of Education Arne Duncan for cripe’s sake.
I would have done the same. He’s an impressive dude.;)
I totally agree! It happen to me all the time when I would run into Juan or Steve and heaven help me Len at MD.