I will admit it took me a solid year to give in to The Pioneer Woman. My friends One Sided Momma, Pajama Mom and My Family Gossip have been singing her praises forever. Each dying to get her cookbook as a Mother’s Day Gift. PJ loves her words. MFG loves her photography. OSM loves…well, her. They all adore her recipes. I was a bit intimidated and quite possibly a little jealous when I first went to her site so I never went back. She’s a big fish, she doesn’t need me-I justified. The truth? She is amazing and I was mad at myself that I wasn’t nearly as cool. (Embarrassingly selfish and egotistical. I know. I’ve flogged myself appropriately.)
Then this summer I saw her in person at BlogHer, literally across the room, and she took my breath away. I don’t know if I was vicariously excited for OSM who had hoped for a “sighting” all weekend but whatever the reason I was captivated at the mere sight of her. She is luminous. My vivid memory is buttery leather brown knee high boots that I had to fight the urge to run and touch and a gorgeous red, thick, red, mane of (did I mention red) hair that…well, I had to fight the urge to run and touch. The bottom line is you could just tell to look at her interact with the small group gathered around her that she was a genuinely warm and real lady.
I was smitten.
Since then, my girlfriends will be proud, because I have tucked my tail between my legs and am now appropriately obsessed with all things Ree. I even spent time pouring over her cookbook
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Black Heels and Tractor Wheels reeled me in a few years back.
guess which tough guy found her cookbook two nights ago in our pantry and wants to buy a ranch out west to live out the rest of our days like ree? he is smitten as well. she's bona fide irresistible if she can swoon the unswoonable.
Yes and she was breathtaking!
you saw her!?!