Dudes, if you’re local to Red Bank do yourself a favor and head to Brookdale Community college today through Saturday for the New2You Kids consignment sale. It’s so good I had to tell you about it on video. Please ignore the explosion of bumps on my chin. Thank you apparent latex allergy. Didn’t know I had one. Went to the dentist, came home with a face full of ick.
Also, this guy is in kindergarten. Oh, YouTube history, you kill me.
I need to defend myself for this video. The Middle One gets reprimanded but only because he was asked a billion times if he wanted to be on camera and he was all, “no way mom!” so then he starts hamming it up as soon as it’s his brother’s turn so he got the mom snap. Don’t feel bad for him. I swear.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
You’re adorable and quirky!
And you are very nice.;)