The Slow Dance. Is there anything more romantic? I can remember so many-from junior high through my wedding- and each dance remains etched as one of the best experiences of my life. Your heart is racing, your knees are weak, you are completely aware of every fiber of your being because they are all electrified. The slow dance is everything good about being in love-full of warmth and promise.
What better time to slow dance than Valentine’s Day?
The thing about Valentine’s Day is that it seems like it’s made for someone else. Make no mistake, I adore The Husband and I’m not just saying that because I’m about to throw him under the bus. I truly find him dreamy, even after all these years. But a romantic he’s not. If he were to show up on Valentine’s day with flowers or candy I’d probably laugh or assume they were leftovers from the office party. It’s not sad. It’s just real. He does everything I need just the right way so his lack of romantic “Sauve-ity” is alright with me.
Also, Valentine’s Day evokes all sorts of “early in the relationship feelings” like butterflies in your stomach or weak knees. When you’ve been married for as long as we have, those feelings are slightly more buried then they were when we first met. They are still there, but they mostly surface after he’s unclogged a toilet or emptied the trash unprompted instead of when we slow dance or accidentally brush up against each other when we share a bowl of popcorn.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t some songs out there that still put me in a Valentine’s mood. These tracks make me remember all those butterfly, weak-knee days of newness. These songs make me wish I had a glass of good wine, a silky dress, killer heels and… well, NOT my husband. These are songs someone plays me in a fantasy life, where, let’s face it, I’m hotter and more carefree too. How else would I have time for slow dancing and all that it conjures up?
So, honey, don’t get any ideas. Unless you come home on February 14th as Taye Diggs, these bad boys aren’t working for ya. Let’s hope someone else uses them for good though. To that mom’s man, or lady, I say, “You’re Welcome.”
Sam Cooke-Bring it on Home to Me: I mean, Sam Cooke. Mmmm…
Sade-By Your Side: I’m instantly transported to high school and all the boys, I loooooooved.
Mary J Blige- Sweet Thing: Back before the drama (or maybe during it) she sang some sweet slow dance songs. I’m pretty sure my college roommate and I had this on repeat our entire freshman year. We did not find men who appreciated this song. No Taye Diggs in Bennett Tower. Damn.
Oh Sweet Mother HE does it too? Forget about it! Pardon me while I pause to rescue myself from the puddle on the floor.
Billie Holiday-Come Rain or Come Shine: A good horn and that little brush thingy they use on drums? Gets me every time.
Etta James-The Very Thought of You: Everyone loves her At Last. I don’t disagree that it’s a good one. But this song? With that voice? Oh, boy.
One of my favorite movies of all time nearly ruined this song for me but alas, even if women get wooly, this song is still one of the greats.
And if you thought I could this list without this, you’re crazy!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Love the songs. Come rain come shine is our wedding song. Maybe I can do something with that this Valentine’s day. – Cindy
Your the second one today who said that was their wedding song. What a good choice!