Back when I first met The Husband, he lured me in with his ability to speak near fluent Spanish with a beautiful accent and the fact that he could sing. Neither one of those things are true today, so it’s good he got me when his skills were still sharp. There was one glitch back in the day, that may have undone us if it weren’t for that Spanish accent. When he first tried to be romantic and sang for me, it was a song I didn’t recognize. Now, as you can imagine there are very few songs I don’t recognize. I mean, I not only love music, I love almost every genre of music from 1930 on so there aren’t too many songs I can’t even identify.
Well, he found one. It was a Jimmy Buffet song and while I knew Jimmy Buffet well enough, he picked such an obscure song that warning bells went off in my head. Yes, warning bells. I’m not proud to admit this, but one of my criteria for dating dudes was taste in music. I think it speaks volumes of people. I’d broken up with boys before over it. (That’s a slight exaggeration but you get my point.) Imagine my concern when the guy that I was actually contemplating being THE guy picked Jimmy Buffet to croon. Yikes.
As it turns out, I was right about the questionable music taste, but wrong in that it mattered. Over the years The Husband has been very open to every song I play for him as well as very accepting of the fact that he rarely gets to choose what is played in our house. Now that he has an iPhone, he tries to flex his musical muscles a little more on Saturday mornings when he wakes up early and replaces my iPod with his phone on the speakers. I humor him for a bit, but there is only so much Frat Rock a girl can take.
Alas, yesterday was The Husband’s birthday and since he had to spend it having school-buffet dinner at The Baby’s new kindergarten orientation, I figured I’d throw him a bone in the form of sacrificing today’s Mini Van Mix to the gods of White Dude Music.
Here you go honey. Hope the Amtrak ride leaves you a little time for sampling this mix made especially for you. I’ll even try not to be too snarky on your birthday. Not too snarky.
Huey Lewis: Working for a Living– Let’s Start with The One that Was Nearly The Deal Breaker. He didn’t admit his affinity for Mr. Lewis until we were engaged. Because, I mean, Huey Freakin’ Lewis? Really?!?
Bob Seger: Night Moves- “A Little Too Tall, Coulda Used a Few Pounds” Yep that was him when we met 18 years ago.
John (when he was still a Cougar) Mellencamp. I actually like this song. But I picked it because t it makes me laugh. The Kid grew up in one of the wealthiest suburbs of DC but to hear him tell it, the K in K’Town stands for Kansas.
Sawyer Brown: Some Girls Do- I’m not gonna lie, this one makes me love him even more. He literally couldn’t be farther from the guy in this video and yet this was his anthem in 1994. As the kids say, adorbs. (We kid because we love dear.)
Thank Goodness The Man could sing. I have no idea if this song is romantic. I’m pretty sure I didn’t actually hear a single word, just his voice. That was enough.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Sounds like my husbands taste in music.
Just one more reasons our families must meet!
Kevin and Mark are definitely related, their music choices are very similar. He especially loves Bob Seger and Jimmy Buffet and Huey Lewis, and John Mellencamp…haha. Happy Birthday Kevin! (PS. Except Mark gets control over a lot of the music in this household except when it’s dance party time!!) By the way this is the first minivan mix that I’ve known almost all of the songs so I guess that doesn’t say much for my musical tastes either. : )
Christie, I grew up with the Husband and love your blog. Yes almost all ktown kids love Small Town and think that the song was really about us. (We never knew what small town/rural is until we grew up.) I too married my husband bc of his love of music (among other things- I mean this man can cook too.) He had me when he could finish the chorus to the songs. Now we don’t sing as much. We have tried to do concerts for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. My husband also loads my MP3- any music I want, plus a few of his choices. It was hillarious when I started singing his choice “Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy” while I was riding 20 miles on my bike. Thank God I live in a rural area and no one could hear me. – Cindy
Thank you! I Love the K’town thing. As much as I tease him, we looked for a place like that to raise our own kids. It’s a pretty great place. As for music, early in our courting years he asked if anyone knew what time it was and I finished wit the next line of a Chicago song that goes with it. I think that might have sealed the deal for him.;)
I will credit The Husband with keeping me in country music. Someone else in my life made me start listening to it, but He kept it in my life. Every once in a while I have to credit him with introducing me to a new song. He loves that! Thanks for reading and responding. I may picture you belting out crazy country music next time I’m on the bike!