For some reason the phrase Happy Holidays is stirring up all sorts of fervor lately. I’m sure it has something to do with the Tea Party as this seems right up their alley. Seriously, I have no idea why those few little words have a whole group of folks thinking we’re out to get them. Actually, it’s quite the opposite for me. I’m not trying to take Christ out of anything by wishing people a Happy Holiday. I’m merely acknowledging the fact that there are quite a few of us out there who don’t, never have and never will celebrate Christ’s birth but indeed have a holiday to celebrate this month. All I’m doing is NOT assuming everyone is like me and treating everyone with equal respect because, well, I’m pretty sure that’s what Jesus would be down with. So, Happy Holidays to all. Enjoy the tunes, even if they aren’t as equal opportunity as my salutations.
Christmas Song- Dave Matthews Band: The Husband makes so much fun of me for liking this song, but I love it. I just think it’s cool the way he found a way to make this story modern and cool. Much like the priests I adored growing up, Dave finds a way to make it all seem believable. Not to mention, as someone who loves words, what he does lyrically in this song is pretty cool.
Christmas Wrapping-The Waitresses: Because everyone needs to rock out a little during this season. After all, what cures stress better than a good ole’ kitchen dance party?
Winter Song-Sarah Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson: We have “Miss Cathy” to thank for this beauty. If The Girl’s first New Jersey Ballet performance she danced to this song and I wept like a baby. This song is haunting in all the best ways. I didn’t realize until I saw this video that it was Sarah banging it out on the keys. That makes me love it even more. Thanks Miss Cathy-even if it does still make me cry!
Auld Lang Syne-Mairi Campbell & Dave Francis: I have a hilarious story about this song and my brother in law but I won’t rat him out on the interwebs. Let’s just say that this version, from Sex and the City fame, can even make tough guys soft.
Twelve Days of Christmas-Straight No Chaser: I love this band mostly because I’m a sucker for acapella. But THIS song in particular has a special place in my heart because the truth is I actually hate this song normally but these guys make it not only enjoyable, but inclusive of at least two religions. (Like that teaser? You have to watch the whole thing for that!) Just a little background that I actually might be making up, but I think SNC got some internet fame early on with their version of Toto’s Africa. That factoid (or total lie) will come in handy later.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Yes, I never hear the Christmas Wrapping song. And I’m tempted to get the Straight No Chaser CD, download, recording, whatever — I heard their songs on Pandora.
I love Straight No Chaser. They’re worth downloading.