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Living somewhat close to the sight of this year’s Super Bowl had its perks. One of those was getting the chance to go into the city for some of the fan experience activities. My favorite of course was the Puppy Bowl experience sponsored by Mohawk Flooring.
If you’re not familiar with the Puppy Bowl, well then I’m not sure we can be friends. Kidding, of course. (Is she?) The Puppy Bowl is the fantastic show within a show. For the last ten years Discovery Communications has aired this adorable festival of cuteness on Animal Planet during the Super Bowl and it gets better every year.
The adorable puppies (all available for adoption) run around in what is supposed to be a game between two teams but just turns into a bunch of pups chasing around a stuffed ball, or each other, whichever strikes their fancy.
I went in to witness this dose of adorable first hand for two reasons. One: who can resist puppies? Two: I was intrigued by Mohawk’s SmartStrand carpet and wanted a chance to test it out.
We’re close to buying the house that we’ve rented for the last two years and living here before purchasing has given us the real picture of what we’re about to get. Let’s just say that picture is not the most clearly focused.
We’ll need news floors eventually (painted hardwood anyone?), and in the bedrooms we need new carpet immediately. What we have is not only outdated, but so used it’s bordering on gross. I can’t wait to rip it up and replace it as soon as the ink on the settlement papers is dry. The problem is with three kids and what will undoubtedly end up being a house full of pets once we own this place, I’m scared about how quickly we’ll wreck new carpet. Add to that a seemingly endless snowy winter and a summer that brings beach filth and I wasn’t sure there was a carpet out there that could withstand this family.

If Mohawk SmartStrand can withstand this, surely it will survive my home!
I have, of course, considered stain resistant carpet, but often those are coated in some sort of chemical that keeps the carpet from absorbing stains. The practical side of me clashes with the side that buys all natural cleaning products and strives to protect said kids and pets from any carcinogen I know about.
When I heard Mohawk’s SmartStrand stain protectant is woven into the carpet fibers, which means no rubbing off over time, I had to see for myself. I just got lucky that while I was learning about the carpet, there was the added bonus of Mo the Mohawk Dog and all these other cute puppies at the same time.

Just hanging with my new friend Mo.
At the Puppy Bowl Experience, I got to see the carpet stand up all beating and bruising a litter of pups can throw at a carpet at one time. Mohawk was the official sponsor of Puppy Bowl X so the “field” was all Mohawk carpet.
At home, I put my sample of SmartStrand to the test with (what else?) beet juice. You all know I’m a beet-aholic and there is nothing that stains faster and deeper than beet juice. (Just ask my red fingertips.) So I spilled some beet juice on my off-white sample carpet and let it sit while I sliced my newly roasted beets.
I was told that simple soap and water would do the trick, but I’ll admit I was skeptical. In fact when I started dabbing I was sure the red stain was never coming out. I figured at best I would end up with a pink hue in the area where I spilled the juice.
Because I’m impatient, I quickly went from dabbing to rubbing and turned the entire spot into pink soap. I thought I had beaten the carpet but when I re-wet the sponge and weft after it again, sure enough the pink went away and I was left with off-white again.
Pretty impressive Mohawk.
I’m certain Mohawk SmartStrand just shot up to the top of our list when we go to look for carpet after the sale is final. And I swear it had nothing to do with the puppies. (Ok, maybe a little!)

Don’t be fooled by these cute feet. They’re deadly on carpet!
Want to help #ShareMoLove by supporting doggy rescue? I know I always do and Mohawk Flooring is making it super easy. Just got like sweet Mo on Facebook here, and Mohawk will donate $2 to organizations that help rescue animals find good homes. That’s a lot of dollars for pets!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
My daughter helped me in te kitchen answer prepared our super bowl feast. She was into all the animal bowls….including the puppy, kitty, ad fish bowl. It was hillarious.
What a fun event that you attended! I love the Puppy Bowl and we watch it every year. This year my husband recorded it on DVR and we have been watching bits and pieces every morning since! Beet juice…brilliant to test with, too! #client
Figured the beets stain everything, so why not?!?