This post started very differently than it’s ending up. I was all gung ho for silly, fun, patriotic songs. Then I remembered the first song, then the second and third. Then I decided instead to feature songs about the people who built this place. I’m sure there are a million more and I’m certain that musically, there are better choices. But these are five I could come up with tonight and they remind me to remember. Please, add your favorites in the comments section and when you’re celebrating and enjoying your days off this weekend, pause and think of the backs of men and women we rest on and be thankful for them today and every day.
God Bless the U.S.A
Braid Paisley:You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive– I went to school in West Virginia and took a class in WV History where I learned things about coal miners I never would have known otherwise. This song makes me a little sick, a little angry and incredibly proud. It’s about Kentucky but the deep dark hills are everywhere there’s coal.
Allentown: Billy Joel– Someone might take away my right to be a Ritz if I don’t include this one.
Arlington: Trace Adkins-It’s hard not to pick all country songs for the soldier piece of this post. This one says it best, except of course they should all be in Arlington. There are no chosen ones. Each deserves the highest honor.
Ragged Old Flag: Johnny Cash– I was going to do Ballad of Ira Hayes. (If you don’t know it-find it and listen.) In the end though, I just couldn’t say no to this one. “She’s been through the fire before, but I believe she can take a whole lot more.”
American Child: Phil Vassar-This isn’t so much a tribute as a fun way to end reminding us how lucky we are to be here. At least that’s what I told myself when I listened to this song every single day when I was pregnant with #1. Those fallen buildings rocked my confidence about bringing kids into this world, specifically this country. But I’ve since seen-she has got it pretty good here.”Cause dreams can grow wild born inside an American child.”
Happy 4th!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Kevin – Don’t know if your post is sarcastic or not, but I was totally going to comment about that. As corny/hokey as that song is it makes me tear up every time I hear it. I’m such a nerd.
What, no Lee Greenwood?