Can we talk about something that’s totally unfair? Hot old dudes.
Yesterday, The Girl got to work as a KidzVuz reporter at the premier and red carpet event for the movie Pan where she spent some quality time with Hugh Jackman (lucky duck!). Let me tell you something about Mr. Jackman. Up close, he is as breathtaking as you think he is on screens big and small. I mean that literally: breathtaking. Yes, I’m using literally in the proper way. When he came up to my kid for an interview I actually felt my lungs stop working for a second and it wasn’t just because he was so nice to my girl. Hugh is not a young man. He might be the only person on the red carpet yesterday even older than me, and he still looks damn good.

See? Hargitay’s hot but Hermann probably got out of bed that way. Dammit.
Of course, Mariska Hargitay also looked gorgeous, but not as hot as her husband, Peter Hermann who is even older than Mr. Jackman and knocked my socks right off. She probably has to work harder than he does too. Unfair.

If Garrett Hedlund is this good-looking at 31 imagine how hot he’ll be in ten years. Jerk.
Here’s why it’s unfair, this hot man trend: it’s not just reserved for Hollywood’s elite. Sure, Hugh and Peter and the other good-looking men on the red carpets of the world have access to special hot man services like hair,skin care and exercise regimes. But, they aren’t only ones who get better with age while women bust their asses (Also literally. Have you tried a spin class? Ouch.) just to try to keep everything in its rightful place as the calendar pages fly by.

That guy behind us is totally wondering why this good-looking dude is with such an old lady.
Regular guy case in point? The Husband. He decided around his fortieth birthday that he was no longer going to be skinny (I already hated him for THAT, by the way) and got serious into exercise for bulk’s sake. Also, he gave up the hair fight and just shaved it off. How’s that for unfair, that bald is beautiful? I mean, the one damn thing men have to worry about, and loosing it makes them even better looking. Sheesh.
Anywhoo, back to The Husband. The result of his newfound zest for workouts and the number 1 blade? He’s bigger, stronger and better looking now than he has ever been in the 21 years we’ve been together, and he can still down a steak and cheese sub and four beers if he really wants to. And me? I’m struggling to stay out of the plus sized department by eating 300 calories of baked air for breakfast and googling “fillers for eyes and lips” on the daily!
It’s all just so unfair. Thank God The Husband still sees 21-year-old me when he looks across the dinner table or else I may be in big trouble. At 21, I was the hot one, so he’s still holding on tight. Maybe perception is inversely related to bulk. Here’s hoping!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.