There are times in business where it seems you have nothing left but faith. I have been there.
The problem with faith is that no matter what is in front of you, faith means you have to believe without proof.
To truly create longterm success, you have to decide what your faith is in. Do you believe in a higher power or you and your abilities or simply the purpose of the work that you do? Maybe you believe in all three. Whatever it is, you have to believe with 100% of your heart or else your business is doomed to fail-eventually.
Why? Because some days everything seems to go wrong. Some days, no one answers a phone and everyone wants their money back. Somedays people don’t come through like they said they would. Some days, you just don’t feel like doing what needs to be done.
These are the days that make it easy to question yourself and your decisions. You may even question your purpose and path. If you want life long success, now is when you have to dig down for your faith. You have to believe so much in the overall vision that the smaller picture fades to black. It may not be easy. But it will work.
Here’s the kicker-you have to figure out what you believe in before the dark days or else they’ll swallow you right up.
Spend some time today discovering your faith. Have an Oprah moment and decide for yourself, what you KNOW to be true. What do you believe in, even when all the evidence points in the opposite direction?
Find your faith and I promise-it will never let you down.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
HeeHee, you just got another award nomination. 🙂