Wonder Woman Cake Seems a Fitting Choice Today. Now, that’s joyful food.
Hey! I actually made No Fat Friday on a Friday. Shocking! So, that’s the good news. The bad news is I have nothing else good to report. Hanging around the same stubborn number while I run away on the treadmill. This has been the frustration all year. I either eat like a bird and nothing happens or I run like a maniac and nothing happens. Somehow, I can never coordinate both.
I haven’t been eating terribly, but I have not stuck to Mr. Cena’s plan entirely (ie: I’ve eaten carbs) so I can’t blame anyone or thing but my middle-aged self. Which is really the crux of the problem.
I’ve found over the last year as I’ve focused on losing weight, that I’ve been extra heavy on the self-loahting and berating when things don’t go as I wish. It seems I get so wrapped up in crazy details about food combining or exercise calorie burn that not only do I stop enjoying both food and exercise, but I start hating myself for “doing it all wrong”. The way that I’ve spoken to myself over the last year would not be tolerated in polite company. And, of course, I would NEVER be so mean to anyone other than me.
So this week, instead of focusing on calories in or miles out, I’ve decided to choose things that make my life fun. I know what you’re thinking, cheesecakes and margaritas are fun. True. But in the end, are they really? Things like sugar and booze are fun in the moment, but they always leave me feeling terrible and hating on myself hard. And I’m super sick of that. So going forward, before I open my mouth I’ll ask myself if this decision is really brining joy to my life or just instant satisfaction. When I am wishing I could lay on the couch as opposed to hitting the treadmill, I’ll ask which choice will make me feel better later in the day.
It’s an experiment. I might end up gaining 15 pounds. But it’s all worth a shot because what I’m doing now? Well, let’s just say Dr. Phil would definitely be compelled to ask how it’s working for me. (You know, because that wacky Dr. Phil always asks that questions when it’s obvious something is not working. Get it? Do ya? Yeah, bad joke, I know.)
So here goes nothing! Let’s hope John Cena approves! Something tells me, after watching enough of his motivational videos, he’d be alright with choosing joy.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.