Ok, I should be paying bills and calling customers, but I just had to take a minute to relay a cute kid moment.
We got a note from school about two weeks ago saying that Friday would be a day off because they had an extra snow day. I had to explain to Faith (with visuals) the idea of built in snow days and how even though it was May and 80 degrees, they would have a day off. No, it would not be snowing on Memorial Day weekend.
It was quite an involved lesson. I thought I had done a pretty good job.
Then Kevin tells me last night that Saturday Faith asked, “dad, are T & N (our friends visiting this weekend) going to bring their snow suits with them on Friday? Because you know dad, it’s going to be a snow day.”
Kevin then explained AGAIN about snow days and how she got an extra day off.
Faith has always been very literal-beyond that of a normal kid-but in the last 18 months or so she’s really begun to understand subtlety and sarcasm. (Also,there were visuals for crying out loud!) She also has such an incredible command of language that I am floored when something like this occurs.
Although, my main feeling is that of YES, she is still just a little kid and I love it.
What a dear.
I can’t wait to enjoy our snow day together.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Oh to be in that world again:) Enjoy your snow day! Altough snow may be better than the rain they are forcasting:)