Today, it’s hands. More specifically, those in mine.
Whether they’re small and sticky or large and smooth, I love the way my loves’ hands feel in mine. Is there any tool more powerful at fighting the blues than when a little person reaches out to take your hand on a walk to school? My heart literally swells each time I hold a tiny hand. No matter how big they get, they’ll always feel like a precious gift that I am charged with protecting. That’s powerful and wonderful and makes everything else matter less.
Is there anything that more strongly reminds you why you started it all more than the feel of a Couple hand hold? My husband’s hand has always fit perfectly in mine. There were never awkward moments of whose fingers went where. We just got it-right away. I’m reminded of how well we fit every time he takes my hand. It reduces all the rest down to what matters most-the partnership we’ve forged that in the end is unbreakable.
Today, it’s hands. More specifically, those I love to have in mine.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
i am thankful we share a brain…see my pics today – all totally before i stopped in here. different subj. matter but c'mon, SAME brain! 🙂
And I am thankful for your gift 🙂 Leenie Girl