This post was (clearly) written years ago. I was such a new blogger I didn’t even use “code names” for the kids. I had to reprint it today because we were just talking about how damn funny this kid is and I thought this post was a perfect prediction of our today. Enjoy!
We’re at the dinner table tonight and the baby (as I’ll probably refer to him until he’s married) who is two is very sternly telling me he is indeed three.
Actually, it went more like this:
Me:G, how old are you?
Me:No, silly you’re two. See, two (hold up fingers). F is six, D is four and you are two. Two, two, two. G, how old are you?
Other Children: uncontrollable-milk out the nose-laughter
Grif:Faify six, D, four, Gwiffy fwee. I fwee mama. I fwee.
Other Children: More milk spewing laughter. D falls off chair.
G: Mama I got a joke fa you.
Yes, the two year old (or three?) often says, “mom I have a joke for you.” Then he tells a perfectly comedic timed (albeit nonsensical) joke, complete with canned laughter at the end.
I guess we know who is going to be the clown of this circus.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Very cute, Cristie!! : )
I can see now with my littlest one — she loves kicking a ball around already at 18 mos. I think she may be our sports girl!
Jen 🙂
It’s funny how personalities seem present right from the start!