I took a shower today in my home. That is not news, but it is a rare occurrence. Not the showering part, but the in my home part. My showers these days are either at the gym or at the beach. Why you ask? Some of it is timing-no reason to shower in the morning if you’re going to work out two hours later. The real reason I don’t shower much in my home though is fear.
My older two children are fantastic at occupying themselves for 20 minutes or so without colossal damage. The Baby-not so much.
He is destructive. It never takes much time and it usually involves items I have no idea (nor do I want to think about) how he finds.
Today though, I couldn’t avoid it. I was gross and even that couldn’t get me to the gym. (It is really quite astounding how many excuses I can come up with to avoid the gym. If only excuse making was a negative-calorie activity.) So, I put The Middle One in charge, locked all the doors and windows and put up all the markers, paint, olive oil etc. on high shelves.
I showered. Successfully. It happened it record time (about 56 seconds), but it was successful.
Then I got cocky.
They were so good I thought, why not put on some lip gloss and maybe even mascara. I even braided my hair-trading it in for the wet, ballet dancer bun I usually sport (the only ballerina-ish thing about me!).
Five minutes.
That is what it took for this to happen.
I guess this means I have to go to the gym today-too cold for a beach shower.
Baby likes the gym.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Aunt Suzie says
I am impressed by how he was able to spread it evenly around his mouth. I always liked Papa Smurf
Crystal D says
Oh my word. I am not looking forward to the day the baby learns to crawl out of the crib. I forgot all about this phase.
pajama mom says
ha! same thing happens at my house if i try to shave my legs.
i have showers down to about 32 seconds. not that i'm bragging about being grimy. much.
Aunt Julie says
He is too much!!! Hopefully this was washable marker:)
Anonymous says
That is hysterical!