A few years ago I asked for golf clubs for Mother’s Day. My husband loves golf and he doesn’t play as often as he’d like; mostly because when he has six free hours I’d like him to spend some of them with me. So, I figured rather than take away his joy I’d try to insert myself in it. Please know I understand and usually accommodate the fact that he’d rather not play with me. But occasionally we golf together and it’s bonus, not replacement, golf for him. I don’t play often but I do play enough to know that golf is a lot like parenting.
Anyone can play, but everyone does better with a little explicit instruction. Also the more you play, the better you get. Often in golf you struggle-even the best players have bad days. There are so many parts that have to work together that there is a huge risk of totally over-thinking and messing the whole thing up. Golf can get tedious. Golf can be boring and hot and make you question why you are even out to begin with. Is any of this sounding familiar to you? And yet, with golf (heck, and parenting) people keep coming back for more.
Why? Because even with all the hassle, and headache and frustration, you can feel a perfect shot from your toes through the tips of your fingers. You watch the ball sail so far it makes you feel like you have super-human powers. When you drive the perfect shot, when you put in for par, when you have the perfect moment and feel like you can make every hole in one, THAT is what makes it all worthwhile. Just like parenting, one sweet shot and all your troubles melt away.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
They look so serious? What were they watching?