My life, as both a mom and health coach, is full of fresh produce. In fact, just this morning I was in my garage at O’Dark-Thirty sorting bins of cabbage, mango and other delights for the Food CoOp for which I’m a coordinator.
But this post is about a different kind of Fresh Produce-the clothing kind. No, I’m not talking about hemp shirts, although…
Seriously, this Fresh Produce is a line of clothing that I have seen around for the last few years. I’ve had a few Blogger friends, of various shapes and sizes who show up at conferences in perfect dresses or cool tunics that require me to stop and compliment them. And every time I it seems they tell me that the item is Fresh Produce.
Well, I’m happy to report I have finally gotten to try out this fabulous line for myself. I recently received the Art School Tunic and wore it to my kids’ holiday show to rave reviews. (The kids got rave reviews too, but they get all the attention so let’s talk about me, mmkay?)
The top looked great and struck that perfect balance of chic-looking but uber-comfortable, in a cold-night, wish-I-could-stay-in-my-pajamas sort of way.
I threw it over leggings and tall boots and it was perfect. I’ve also since paired it with skinny-jeans and a belted it for a more pulled-together look. Of course I have no pictures because I always forget that part, but trust me, as a lady with hips and chest to spare, this top works both loose and cinched perfectly on me so it would be even more outstanding on someone less curvy-which is clear in the picture above. While the Art School name seems like hippie-chic, this piece is really well made so it doesn’t look sloppy or cheap.
Fresh Produce covers all the bases I look for in a clothing line. It has fashionable clothes for every size woman-not just straight, tall ones. It also is a line that offers a broad array of styles so you can shop for every facet of your life (your kids’ too). Don’t be fooled by the applique t-shirts on the home page right now. There are tons of options that are more fashionable than theme shirts. I swear. You know this anti-holiday shirt girl I wouldn’t steer you toward theme shirts.
Check out Fresh Produce for the incredible sale they’re having now and some adorable new offerings for spring and summer. It’s never too soon for summer!
I was sent a Fresh Produce piece for review. All opinions are my own.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
When I saw the title of this post, I thought to myself Fresh Produce clothing, Cristie you have lost your mind!! The Fresh Produce I know is from my retail days at California Sunshine…the big boxy tops with fish and flip flops on them in neon pinks and oranges. The pictures you have posted are cute and I went to their website and there are some cute things. You have changed my perception of their line, although I did see those shirts/coverups that I remember so fondly from California Sunshine. 🙂
Oh yeah, the “applique” t-shirts are still there! But, they have updated enough things that it’s worth a second look. And I’m telling you the dresses are adorable on people. They website doesn’t really do them justice.