I love food. I’ve always loved food. Sometimes, my relationship with food has been less-than-healthy as I’ve had years where I looked to food to love me back. But in the last few years, as I’ve spent more and more time in my kitchen, and on food blogs and in bookstore food sections, I have begun a love affair with food like none other.
This week, I’m smack in the middle of week two of the cleanse (after a brief Saturday night Darling break) and I thought for sure by now I’d be either cursing food or in such despair over all that I’m missing that I would have a hard time preparing food.
Surprisingly, just the opposite is true. Yes, I still hold my nose every morning and afternoon as I choke down the green juice or smoothie. (Smoothies are the worst!) Sorry, Kris Carr, I will drink it out of necessity but I just can’t claim to love it like you. But day after day, meal after meal, I still find myself in awe of the creations I’m making and how I know the nutrients and vitamins/minerals are working inside me to make my body strong and clean.
Last night, it was spaghetti squash with mixed veggie sauce. I devoured it and The Husband wasn’t complaining either. The preparation involved chopping and dicing and basting and scraping that all felt more like therapy than work. During dinner prep, the kids peek in every now and then to check “what’s for dinner” but for the most part I am left alone for the first time all day and it’s glorious.
The same is true of making bread. It’s become ritualistic and even though I can’t eat it when I’m done (gluten) I still love the process. Kneading and rolling and waiting for the rise feels like meditation. When things aren’t going your way, there is nothing more soothing than punching down some dough!
So my gratitude today caught me by surprise. Before I started this cleanse, I viewed these two weeks as a period of deprivation, but they have been anything but. I have discovered new foods (dandelion greens anyone?) new tastes and rediscovered my love for all things food and the peace it brings and the magic the healthy stuff works in my body.
This weekend, Dr. Andrew Weil spoke at my school. He said, “Food is Everything.” Man, do I agree with that. And man, am I grateful for it.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Believe it or not you do eventually get to the point that you don’t mind the taste of green juice. We have been drinking it for over 6 months now and I hardly ever hold my nose anymore;-)
Really? What they heck do you put in yours? I swear I’ll never get used to it! Even the smell of the dishes in the sink makes my stomach turn a little.;) I’m like a walking piece of iron!! I just comfort myself with the reminder of how good it’s doing inside my body. And the juice is waaaay easier then the smoothies. I didn’t want to spend money on a juicer so I was just blending at first but after a few days of thinking I was going to gag every time, I had to bite the bullet and buy the juicer. I do not regret that decision.;)