Please Don’t Go
We just got back from a last minute pre-Oscar party with good friends. It was one of those parties where no one, not kids or adults wants to leave. These are people I cherish because when we are with them we laugh. I mean really laugh like from the bottom of our guts. That to me is the sign of true friends. Our kids feel the same way. They disappear as soon as we get there and play perfectly-no fights, no tears nothing but giggles and the occasional request for a juice box.
The funny thing is we haven’t known these people long and we met them as a result of our kids being in the same preschool. We just click and I realized tonight that we may lose them with the move.
I used to be a great communicator. But when I had kids I suddenly lost my ability to keep in touch. I love social media outlets like Facebook because I can at least peer into the lives of my old friends from time to time. But, there is little if any real world contact with people we move away from. It has always made me sad but this time I am afraid. These are the kinds of friends who fill you up. Time spent with them lifts our spirits and makes our lives better. People like this don’t come along often and I worry that when we go there will be a huge void.
I hope we keep in touch. I hope we don’t lose this family like we will inevitably lose some others with this move. Because, true friends are hard to come by, no matter where you live.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.