I spend a fair amount of time writing about the challenges of raising children. This week, I decided instead to focus on what is great. Rather than generalize, I thought I’d use this as an excuse to brag about each of my kids. It’s my blog. I’m allowed.
The Middle One seems an odd place to start but if you know me, it makes perfect sense. No, not because he’s my favorite, but because I often proclaim one of the most difficult aspects of raising more than one kid is making sure each gets their fair share of you while still managing to leave some of you for you. Lately, The Middle One has lost out on that deal.
The Girl has had some milestones this year that have given her a fair amount of mom and dad. Also, she’s the oldest so she always has plenty of attention. The Baby, or The Chief as I’ve lately referred to him, is around the most with just me. And he’s four, which means the golden age for mama love.
That leaves The Middle One, who in spite of starting kindergarten this year, has mostly been lost in the shuffle. What I want him to know though is that all this busyness doesn’t mean I haven’t noticed him. I have.
I’ve seen that the boy I used to refer to as a raw nerve has channeled his formidable sensitivity into a compassion for others that makes me very proud. He’s grown into a remarkable communicator as well. He can readily tell you what he is feeling and why. The meltdowns still occur, but they are always accompanied by a clearly explained reason.
I have stood in awe as my cuddly baby has grown into the strength of a full grown athlete and the grace of an artist. I have no idea where he gets the artist from, but it’s there and boy is it fun to watch.
Not that it matters, but I’ve also watched him grow into a near perfect physical creature. He is a graceful athlete. He has perfected the surfer flip of that golden blonde hair. His eyes are as blue as the day he was born. The kid is gorgeous and I know he will break hearts one day, most especially mine.
His dad describes him as earnest. I never understood exactly what that word meant until I met this boy. He is the definition of earnest. His heart and his intentions are pure.
This boy that melted my heart as a baby and tried my nerves as a toddler has grown into a remarkable young man right before my very eyes. He is kind. He is funny. He is talented in all that he tries. And he is as easy on the eyes as he is on my heart.
I love you Middle Boy. I know you don’t get me to yourself as often as you’d like, but know that I see you and know that I believe it is an honour and a pleasure being your mom.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.