AAAH! I was going to write about something else today. But then, when I was composing a post for another site I was “attacked”. I was trying to download a picture of Johnny Depp (yes, again) when all of a sudden a big red error message popped up and then a barrage of yucky, naked lady pictures. It was called a porn attack. Yikes.
My Norton kicked in and supposedly fixed the threat. I still feel a little violated. I am also quite afraid to even be on the internet! You can bet I won’t be checking my bank balances today.
Just when I start to get pretty comfortable online I get hit by crazy porn sending hackers.
Damn internet creeps. At least I still got this:
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
totally worth it.
sweet sweet johnny depp victory. he is way hotter in too much eyeliner than anyone who accidentally showed up on your screen. never heard of a porn attack but i got a good giggle out of picturing you covering your eyes while a bazillion nudie shots in precarious acts of…well…anyway, made me laugh a little. 🙂