Wanna know my dirty dream last night?
I was cheating on my husband.
Yep, cheating. Guess who with.
Wait for it…
My husband.
Yep, it turns out the focus of my extramarital attention was none other than the dude I am married to.
The greatest part? It wasn’t even dirty.
We had dinner at a restaraunt in Asbury with live music. Then we walked-no strolled (like we had all the time in the world not like we were paying someone $15 an hour for our time) hand in hand on the boardwalk.
That’s it.
A Date. With my Husband. In a town that I live 10 minutes from. That made me wake up and feel inherently naughty.
It’s like spending time with him-uninterrupted, quality time in places we want to explore- is so rare that I feel like I MUST be neglecting something if I get it.
I didn’t think we were this couple. You know, the ones who spend all their time working and taking care of their kids so there’s nothing left for each other.
I didn’t think we were those people. We still have a great friendship and… well, you know… it’s a family blog.
I didn’t think we were those people. We still have a great friendship and… well, you know… it’s a family blog.
In short-we seem OK. Stressed? Yes. Too financially strapped for dinner and a sitter? Yes. Way busy? I’ll give you that. But when we’re with each other we seemed–OK.
I guess my dreams are telling me different.
Goodbye Rahm Emmanuel.
Hello my betrothed.
Anybody know a good babysitter? We could hit the library for some free conversation (I hear they even have live music.)
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
I love it! An affair with your husband. Classic.
i thought as a matter of precaution i should start checking your blog to see if i'm about to post the identical thing but we're in luck today. no *naughty* dreams about my husband. (just a weird collection of hallways and doorways and someone trying to steal my dog. i can't even try to decode that one.) i definitely vote date night for you two. both of you deserve and need a night together, alone, without guilt or rahm emmanuel.