Wonder Wednesday was originally inspired by my neighbor. I walked past the house at least once a day and drive past it a million more times. Every time, for a while, I saw an overgrown explosion of wild flowers or weeds, I was never really sure. It’s just a small strip of land, their side-yard strip if you will but it is teeming with growth.
One day, when I was on a walk, not a run, I looked more closely at what she was growing. I’m not a gardener, so I figured I wouldn’t be able to identify anything but it was still a curious sight to me.
Guess what? This little patch of jungle was not overgrown or weedy. It was actually a quite purposeful and well-tended garden full of treats! I spotted lettuces, cabbage, tomatoes and peppers. It was amazing. Talk about looking for, and finding some wonder in the world.
Now that I’ve lived here for a full set of seasons, I’ve actually seen my neighbor out planting and curating quite a feast in her tiny patch of side yard. I’ve watched the piece of land go from dirt to sprouts to full-fledged herb and vegetable garden with some wildflowers sprinkled here and there. I am so impressed by my neighbor. She has proven there are no limits to gardening and if you want to badly enough, you can grow your dinner just about anywhere.
Now, I walk past on purpose, slowing down to see what treasures I can spot on any given day. A daily dose of wonder, if you will.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
I feel this way about my garden, and I know what’s in it! Every morning I go outside in my pjs very early and take a look around, just to see what’s new. There’s always something that wasn’t there the day before.
I wish I had one. I just haven’t conquered this goal yet. I’m so intimidated. I will say this lady’s little patch has inspired me to try something!