I’m in one of those moods right now where I shouldn’t be writing because my brain is so full of stuff that I’m certain whatever comes spilling out will be at best nonsensical and at worst incoherent.
We’re moving (yes, again) and due to some last minute changes late last week, it’s become crunch time for packing and guess who hasn’t packed. Oh yeah and of course there’s the little thing of me starting a business that has taken off a little quicker than I anticipated so I feel like I’m already six months behind. Super.
I’m learning that running your own business from the ground up requires a team of people to make it work and yet, I have not the income for a team so I’m trying to function as Admin, Financial, Human Resources and Marketing all while trying to do the actual job. I’m tired just writing that sentence.
I’m not complaining about any of it mind you. I recognize how blessed I am to have this opportunity and of course I’m not going to look at potential clients as stressors as they are indeed the greatest gifts! But, complaining or not, there is no denying that I have more than my share of plates in the air and my head gets foggy when it’s full of too much.
Thankfully, I was forced to ignore it all this weekend and become fully immersed in nothing but beauty and love. We went to a wedding at an absolutely picture perfect Bed and Breakfast in New Hope, PA. Seriously, I kept telling people that it was as if someone told me to go to my Happy Place and I actually DID. This place looked just like the dream I have where I run a B&B and everyone I love is on the property and I cook for them and we laugh and relax together. Actually, other than owning the place, it was kind of like that dream!
We were helped by the unseasonably warm weather which made the place even more amazing. The only potentially bad part of Holly Hedge was that there was no phone or internet service (at least for this TMobile dummy). After the first few hours of me stressing about being “disconnected” I gave up trying to find the highest point on the property to restore my phone bars and just decided to live in the moment. The work would still be there in the morning.
Well, what a moment it was. I was blessed to be part of a wedding ceremony that just filled my heart so much that I think I cried just to release everything before I burst. From the minute we pulled in to the moment we loaded our car to leave, we were surrounded by love and joy, warmth and laughter and some of the most fun dancers I’ve ever encountered.
I won’t go on and on because this isn’t my story to tell, but I will say this wedding was healing for me. I got to escape reality for a few hours and if you want to escape your very own muddled brain, I can’t think of any place better to be or any people better to celebrate. I’ll live on the high of this weekend long enough to make it through this move. I just know it because love like that, doesn’t fade easily.
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
You look beautiful—and it sounds magical. So glad you had this time!!!
Thank you for both! I’m happy we had the time too. This week I’ve relied heavily on the memories.;)
Weddings r the most healing and magical events. They always make me fall in love with my husband..or any guy, im with;)
Agreed. It reminds me of all the reasons I did it all those years ago!
You are rocking the lace dress!
Thanks. It’s not often I can dress up so…
Thanks Kristin! Ellen, we’re not going far-just a few blocks. If only the packing were equivalent to the distance!
Where are you headed??
Looking good Cristie!! Glad you had fun!!! Where are you moving to? Why? What business are you doing? Email me when you can!
So glad you got to escape and be bathed in love. As one of the people benefiting from your crazy world, know that it’s sooo appreciated! Good luck with everything!