I have kindergarten graduation stories and pictures to share but I don’t have the words yet so today I’ll just tell you how The Baby keeps it real.
On Friday at the beach he had some tummy trouble (There is a diarrhea in the ocean story but I’m still too traumatized to share the details.) and we had to leave early. While I was in the bathroom cleaning him up I suggested maybe he needed to lay off mommy’s high fiber breakfast cereal because his tummy might just be too small to handle it.
This is what happened next:
“Yeah, I shouldn’t eat any more Go Lean Crunch even if it’s good because it makes me poop.”
“Right pal there is something in it called fiber and it might just be too much for your little belly.”
“Mom, fiber’s not for little tiny guys like me but just for big fat people.”
“Oh, like mom?”
“Yeah, big fat people like mom.”
And there you have it.
From the mouths of babes.
He and I will be visiting the treadmills at the Y today, after my bowl of Go Lean!
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Too funny! Nothing like a 4 year old to bring you right down to earth.