I have spent about four months in Jersey. In those four months, I have traveled far and wide around the state, either for work or to find activities for the kids. I have also worked a few bridal fairs around Jersey since I’ve moved here.
I think, based on these experiences, I am qualified to offer a few opinions.
First, Jersey gets a bad wrap. Except for the section of 95 that runs through Elizabeth and near the Meadowlands (or whatever it’s called now) the state is absolutely gorgeous. It is not an armpit, but rather the home of an incredibly beautiful coastline, lush farmland and adorably quaint train-station towns that would rival anywhere in New England for cuteness.
Second, most of the stereotypes of Jersey folks are just that-stereotypes (Real Housewives excluded of course.) I have yet to meet anyone here with big hair or pegged acid-washed jeans. Also, most everyone I encounter is really nice. Some people are a little guarded at first, but they freely share their opinions in a (mostly) helpful way. And, once you get to know them better and are “let in” you would be hard pressed to find more generous, loyal and hilarious people.
All my wonderful opinions aside, I do have to mention the one amusing group I have noticed. These are what I like to call, the Jersey Fabulous girls.
Jersey Fabulous describes a certain type of woman here in the Garden State. I don’t know any personally-yet, but I sure have met a lot in my travels and they don’t seem to be confined to just one part of town. No matter the woman or the borough or township, there are a few common characteristics that grant them Fabulous status.
First, long nails-preferably acrylic-but natural will do as long as they are french manicured and usually have a cigarette dangling from them.
Second, super shiny, super straight, very long (usually) jet black hair. There are plenty of blondes, but the truly fabulous rock the laquered brunette hard.
Their clothes vary, but they are always stylish and usually include skinny jeans and heels. J.F. women mostly carry large handbags and wear giant shades even if it’s not particularly sunny.
I haven’t encountered a Truly J.F. woman yet who doesn’t have at least a little accent but I am sure they’re out there somewhere. If you are reading this and you think this applies to you-please cawl me so I know-ya know?
Finally, and most important-Jersey Fabulous women all work, and I mean work, a tan like no other girl around. The tans start in late March from what I’ve seen. They get darker around mid-April when spring break season hits. They maintain an almost unnatural-slightly orange-hue through Memorial Day when they hit their full glory on the shore. I can’t wait to see how long they last into the winter months.
So, what do I think as an outsider in Jersey? I love it-everything about it, especially the Fabulous Ladies who cawl it home. Ya know what I mean?
P.S. Looking for more parenting guidance and tips for self-care? Check out From Chaos to Calm a guided training to help you feel better in this tough season.
Columnists (old school bloggers) and politicians know that anything they say or write has a better the 50/50 chance to come back and haunt them.
So how about the worst corruption scandal … wait for it …. IN HISTORY? Who new even a Rabbi needs a "little taste"
I've been also told, by my Jersey boy, that the state is indeed a nice place to live. Of course I still have to mock him for being from Jersey, but I'm starting to believe him.
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